DG Troy Secord - Blog
July 14, 2015
Abilene Southwest - I really appreciated the power point that Ross does for the club that is in essences a club bulletin. Thank you for the hospitality, and your insights to Rotary.
Abilene Wednesday - FIRST CULINARY CRAFT BEER PAIRING" The seating is limited so get your reservations early, we have! August 29th is the date.
July 23, 2015
LMR working with HHS Intereact to distribute W82TXT thumb/forefinger rings to Juniors and Seniors. Intended as safety reminder while promoting Intereact to students and Rotary to parents. Contact Marilyn Pokorny for more info
LMR is starting a EarlyAct Club at Central ES. EarlyAct is like Interact for elementary age students (4th & 5th grades). The club is chartered by the club itself and is intended to build a "continuum" of Rotary service through to Interact, Rotoract and ultimately Rotary. For information contact member Cynthis Jaird.
"Didja Know Moment". An initiative offered to LMR members to shamelessly talk about their careers, their business, their community passion or anything else that fellow members might not know. It can be about themselves or the community. Moments are 3 to 4 minutes long. Didja Know moments are scheduled twice monthly. 1 week focusing on community passion and 1 week focusing on personal passion. Contact Frank Hebb for details
Quarterly Vocation talks that offer 2 members every quarter an opportunity to do talk in detailed 15 minute presentation regarding their career and/or their business. Also planning 3 Leads Networking meetings in which members and/or guests will have 2 to 3 minutes to pitch their business products or services to Rotary members. For more information contact Phu Tran of LMR
Highland Village Rotary - Members have the flexibility of sharing fellowship throughout the meeting without disturbing the flow of the meeting. Something unique about HVR...
July 28, 2015
Lake Ray Robert's RC - has been strategizing on how to reach out to the other communities in the area to join Lake Ray Roberts and be a gift to the world.
August 4, 2015
Arlington West - Their percentage of Veterans in their club is among the highest in our District. That just illustrates to me the are veterans are drawn to service above self in their daily lives.
Because district membership chair Dave Hurt is from Arlington West, many of the ideas developed by this club are shared during the membership presentation. Highly recommend that district Rotarians attend the Foundation/Membership Seminar Aug 22nd and attend the membership presentations. I am quite confident that clubs that embrace the tried and proven ideas developed by AWRC will see similar growth in their membership numbers.
Arlington Sunset - illustrates that small clubs can be vibrant. We were entertained by some fine music and a real relaxed and fun group.
The purpose of this blog is to share with fellow District 5790 Rotarians my Journey as District Governor. The observations and experiences listed here intended to enlighten my readers on the life of a Rotary District Governor tasked with serving 66 plus clubs in a very large geographic area of Texas.
My first 80 days as District Governor...
Day 80 – September 18 – After a long day of Rotary and trying to do a little work in our hotel room at the Zone Institute, we all headed out to a ranch for some, dancing, entertainment and good food.
Of course with it being as hot as it was, the first place I headed for was the drinks. After a few trips
around the dance floor, Jeani & I headed out to get some fresh air.
Unfortunately, we got separated and missed the group picture with
my classmates so we got a picture all to ourselves.
Can you tell we were just a little hot.
Look who we found outside too, PRIP Don & Carolyn Mebus.
Day 77 - September 16 – On to Zone Institute in San Antonio, at least that’s how it was suppose to go. A couple days ago I found out I had to be in Texarkana. This meant Jeani had to rearrange my flights which left her to travel alone with all of my things and hers. Not a happy camper.
Once we both got there, our Zone Director/RIVP Greg & Pam Podd, took all us current Governors out for a great evening of entertainment and food. Only 2 of my classmates got kicked out, 1 of them even went airborne (#14 below, he’s from Oklahoma). I think someone forgot to tell him he’s not supposed to drive up on and over another driver.
Jeani didn’t want to drive, (do you blame her), so she was my cheerleader.
The rest of the week was all about Rotary and having fun doing it.
The rest of the week was all about Rotary and having fun doing it.
Day 75 - September 14 – Today we headed out to the Coleman club, this was a 3 hour trip but well worth the time. Coleman is a small town, with all the small town issues surrounding membership but their president, Shirl Manuel, is working hard to turn that around. They don’t have a fundraiser right now but they’ve purchased a Cotton Candy machine and will be setting this up a different events to try and raise funds.
This club has 2 students every month as honorary members and this month’s students were in attendance with us. If these 2 students are any indication of what’s coming out of Coleman, our future leadership is in great hands. They were so impressive and would be fantastic candidates for our future Scholarship recipients.
Day 73 – No Rotary but it was Jeani’s turn to work. She’s on the board at River Bend Nature Center and they were having an annual fundraiser so since she hasn’t been able to attend the meetings, she was more than eager to help out. This place is near and dear to both of us.
They trusted me to design the conservatory and
Learning CenterDay 72 - September 11 – Met with my own club for the
first time in over a month. They even invited Jeani & I to
their social they had planned for the evening. We all
went to the “Rocking M” Distillery just outside of
Scotland, Texas for a tour of the facility, some Flavored
Moonshine tasting and great fellowship. Of course
they put PDG Tom Sheriff and myself (mostly Tom)
to work with the hot dogs.
Day 71 - September 10 – We went to the Granbury Club today, this club has a goal to increase their membership to 45 members this year. With what all they’re doing, this is a goal I believe they can easily achieve.
They have been working on a project in Haiti and have discovered that the infant mortality rate is greatly due to Juvenile Diabetes. They are pursuing a Global Grant to start a program helping educate the population and get them medical help. One of their members even sponsors an orphanage down there.
Day 70 - September 9 – Brownwood club, this time the farthest south in the district. They hold a Golf tournament every year but are looking for another fundraiser due to all the things they want to accomplish in their community.
They sent 3 students to RYLA, one of them is very interested in going back as a RYLarian counselor. They are also interested in participating in the Youth Exchange program.
Day 69 – September 8 – On to Vernon, a club that has a long history of doing good in their community. They try to hold a Chili Feed every December, they honor a “Student of the Month” and are always looking for new innovated ways to bring in new members.
They too had great Chicken Fried Steak.
Day 68 – Labor Day and on the road again. A client of ours has a Labor Day celebration in Lampasas with A LOT of food, drinks and assorted games. All the guys from our office are invited, (sorry ladies, only guys) besides, Jeani enjoys doing her own thing instead of hanging out with us.
Day 65 - September 4 – Mid-Cities Pacesetters, we met with the board last and learned a lot about what all this club is doing and involved in.
Day 63 - September 2 – Went to the Crowell club, the farthest west in the district. This club has only 10 members, they don’t meet during the summer. They have held a Stock Show for the young kids for over 25 years and annually raise over $60K, which goes right back to the kids.
They also hold 5 Blood Drives every year.
Finally, Chicken Fried Steak, it was great!
Day 62 – September 1 – I was originally supposed to visit the Vernon Club but they were understanding when my work got in the way. Instead, I had to drive down to Fort Hood for a project.
Day 59 - August 29 – Along with PDG Tom & Linda Sheriff, we had the pleasure in participating in the first year of the Abilene Wednesday club’s Annual Beer Pairing fundraiser. What a great excuse to drink beer, eat good food and have a lot of fun. We all need to put this on our calendar to attend, but I would recommend getting a hotel for the night, don’t do like we did and make that drive back home, especially when it’s a 2-1/2 hour drive.
Day 58 - August 28 – We were proud to be a part of the Chartering Ceremony for the Cross Timbers Club. They chartered with 62 members of which only 9 are current Rotarians from other clubs. We were told they will be inducting 9 more new members next week. This is a Breakfast club and they would love to have everyone visit them.
Day 57 - August 27 – The Flower Mound club, home of our AG Gerald Robinson. Another great club that is more than enthusiastic about the Chartering of the newest Breakfast Club, Cross Timbers. One of the clubs forging the path in understanding the Six Areas of Focus for Global Grants. Their tractor project is making progress and they can see the light at the end of the tunnel. They also sponsor 10 orphans in Uganda, their Silent Auction raises $2500 to help support the orphan rescue. They hold a “Fine Wine & Dine” event every year with 300-400 participants. Another different idea is the “Turkey Brigade”, this is baskets at Thanksgiving for families in need during the holidays.
CFS - 0
Day 56 - August 26 – Eagle Mountain Saginaw is a breakfast club but they meet on a Wednesday morning, I’m used to it being at the end of the week.
The highlight of the meeting, one of their members has a son that’s an outbound Youth Exchange. He was in attendance and it was nice to see a young man that’s courageous enough to give up a high school year to study abroad. I’m just not sure how courageous the parents were.
We went on to Mineral Wells, this is the club of our Districts first female District Governor, Janet Holland and one of the first in Rotary International. She’s still very active not only in her club but on a District level too. They have taken over the local Bike Ride from the Kiwanis club and are hoping to get the word out to all the district. It will be held in the middle of October and are looking to have at least 250 participants. I wish I could get farther than a block so I could get in this.
CFS – 0
Day 55 - August 25 – Met with the Western Ft. Worth club. WOW! They sent 11 students to RYLA and have a goal of 15 this coming year, this club is really dedicated to our young people. They have a Special Olympics Event once a year, participate in the 4-way test contest, hold a “Humanity in Motion” (canvases for kids to paint and have displayed at the mall) and from November 10 – December 13, they participate in the “Angel Tree” where they do collections for kids during the holidays. If this doesn’t get the Rotary name out, I don’t know what will.
On to JT Garcia’s restaurant to meet with the Eagle Mountain Saginaw board that night. What a great group of people, I know that Jeani & I both had a really nice time. When it got too dark to even see who we were sitting with (we were outside of course), we realized it was time to end the meeting.
CFS - 0
Day 52 - August 22 – What a great turnout for our Seminar, with a lot of help, this was a great success. It shows the strength of our district leadership that get engaged and put on a first class event.
RIVP/Director Greg Podd was truly impressed, especially with my ability to use a lasso.
What a great group of leaders for membership!
Some even got the humor of my outfit. (L to R) Kay Huse, Lori Williams, Kayla Christenson, Dave Hurt
Kayla was a real trooper, came all the way from Abilene with
crutches I can honestly say, there was a lot of fun too.
I was even able to Lasso Jeani and chunk a few moon stress balls into the crowd. My apologies to AG Paula for taking one for the team, but as usual, everyone else sent them right back my way. I do believe they were trying to hit me.
Day 51 - August 21 – The meeting with the Burleson club started with a clunk, someone sabotaged the bell with a towel. Not sure President Ryan saw the humor in that. As usual, a lively group that get up early to meet and start their day.
They do an international project with Ukraine for Maternal and Child Health by providing a clinic with laparoscopy and OBGYN equipment. This is the only equipment of this type in the region.
They, along with the Burleson Area Mid-Day Club are putting on a Golf Tournament, not a fundraiser but just a “Get to know Rotary” Event. What a great idea!
That night was topped off with having dinner at the Land & Cattle with RIVP/Director Greg Podd and all the committee chairs for the Foundation/Membership Seminar tomorrow morning. What a great time and fellowship, PDG Dan Morales surprised Jeani with a birthday cake and all of us singing to her. There’s a reason our club doesn’t sing, most of us there shouldn’t sing.
CFS - 0
Day 50 - August 20 – Went to the Cleburne Club, from information that I’ve attained, Cleburne was the first Rotary club in a small community. It was first thought a Rotary club in a small community couldn’t work, but they received their Charter over 75 years ago and are very effective and going strong in their community. They have 2 past District Governor’s, Syd Pruitt and Sharron Miles, what an incredible source of Rotary knowledge.
They’re active with the young students, they send 4 students to RYLA, Dictionaries to the 3rd graders, 4-way test contest, Achievement awards at the end of the year.
They have members and doctors (along with some of the Stephenville club) that go down to the Dominican Republic to do surgeries for Clef Palettes & Lips.
Troy was honored to recognize and present this club’s Veterans with their certificates and Sharron was able to get a hold of some really nice challenge coins to give each of them.
Vietnam – Ronny McBroom, Joel Victory, Robert O. Kelly, Ray Parker (Larry Parker’s brother), Randall & Dennis Bolding (PDG Sharron Miles’s brother), Danny Miles (Sharron’s husband), Jim von Tungeln (Kenneth von Tungeln’s brother), Lonnie Gallop (Millie Mim’s brother) and Denny Modlinski (Melissa Dansby’s father)
Korea – PDG Sid Pruitt, Lowell Smith Jr. and Thomas Joe Hall (Jeffrey Davis’s father-in-law)
I surprised Jeani with AG Rhyan Anderson singing “Happy Birthday” to her. It’s not often I get anything past her.
CFS – 0
Day 49 - August 18 – Early raisers, Denton Morning meets at the Oakmont Country Club. They’re a lively group of people that as usual for that type of people, are very vibrant, friendly and ready to go before most of us are even out our front doors. They even have 2 people in the waiting to join them.
They would like to start an Interact club, so with honoring 4 teachers very year, hopefully they’ll get good support with this endeavor. They already help support the Rotaract with the Denton Club.
The thing I’m seeing in all Rotary clubs, they all do things in different ways but when you get down to the core, they all have the values of doing “Service Above Self” and promoting Peace and World Understanding. So long as we retain our core values, Rotary will last for an eternity.
On to Weatherford, the home to our Membership Chairperson, Kay Huse and it shows. Year end, year out, they are doing innovative things to gain and retain membership. They also have the largest Pancake Feed in our district that helps fund their projects.
Part of the gifts they gave us was a basket full of fresh peaches from the Peach Capital of Texas, and I can verify that Title is well deserved. They were absolutely delicious and did not stick around very long.
CFS – 0
Day 48 - August 17 - I was able to be at the office for most of the day but then headed out this evening for a meeting with the Denton Morning Board that began with an Israeli Wine tasting. Fantastic wine, good fellowship, great way to learn about how Denton Morning is being effective and vibrant in their
Day 46 - August 15 - Day with our daughter and her family at our house, no traveling for us.
Day 45 - August 14 – Arlington Sunrise
Must be something about those morning clubs, they seem to attract great leaders. This morning we were at the Arlington Sunrise club, they not only have a PDG from our district but they also have 2 from other districts, plus the DG Nominee. They also have Don Farrell, the driving force that laid the foundation which turned around our membership decline into a gain in the past few years. Thank you Don!! This club is involved in every aspects of Rotary, too many to identify, I just encourage all of you to visit and see for yourselves.
What a great way to start a Friday morning.
I just got to thinking of how many times the Assistant Governors have sat through my speeches, some of them heard it 7 times, they along with Jeani can now do it without me. Heads up, Jeani has lost her hearing in one ear and is starting to limp (she injured her knee) so watch out, I guess it’s caused by hearing my speech so many times.
At noon, we met with the Fort Worth Club – Wow, what a history. A little intimidating at first but after meeting with the board the night before and the reception we received prior to the noon meeting, I soon felt right at home. Talk about a club that can be a district within a district and how they have organized themselves to do good in their community, from their Stars program, 3 foundations and the Crazy Pants Golf Tournament, they have positioned themselves to be a club that effects people’s lives in meaningful ways. As a bonus, for being the farthest visiting Rotarian, I received a golden putter with a wooden shaft. I don’t know if it will improve my handicap but I’ll at least look good trying. Thank you for your hospitality and looking forward to working with you in the future.
From one Architect to another, Troy
presented David Campbell the
Rotary Builder award, it must have
something to do with the profession.
CFS - 0
Day 44 - August 13 – Ft. Worth Southwest
We met with the board before the meeting and one thing they expressed disillusion with the district awards and the way they are presented. This is a great opportunity to explain that Richard Sherman (this year’s awards chair) & I have come up with a couple of ways to recognize clubs that participate and do great things, no matter how large or small. Richard will be designing what will be called “Governor’s Citation”, modeled after the “Presidential Citation”. As soon as details have been finalized, it will be sent off to all the Presidents. There will be banners displayed with the names of all clubs that submitted for any type of award, no matter what the scoring is. This is to show the participation and how active our clubs are in doing great things in their communities and around the world.
This club is small but all members are active and working on trying to keep it fun and the momentum going. Club motto is “Teamwork makes the dream work”. What a great theme.
Sometimes family events take precedence over Rotary which happened this morning when I got a call that a family emergency has happened, but with the support and ingenuity of a club, the board meeting that was planned tonight was successfully changed. This was no problem for the Arlington Sunrise club, they didn’t miss a beat. Thank you for the evening and all that you did to make us feel like a part of your club.
CFS - 0
Day 43 - August 12 – No Rotary but did have a work meeting in Dallas, I’ll see you tomorrow
Day 42 - August 11 – Ft. Worth South
Home club of Chuck Kurtzman, the man who started the Blood Drive’s in our district and around the world to save lives. Better known as the original vampire.
Last year they gave 25 IPADS to an Elementary School for troubled students. What a perfect way to find a need in their community, come up with a plan and put that plan into action.
Just for those that aren’t aware, in our district we have a committee that includes the Past District Governor, Immediate Past Governor, Current Governor, Governor Elect and the Nominee (PIGEN), this committee is to talk about current issues in the district and solicit the wisdom of past governors that have just recently finished their term as district governor. Also to make the Elect & Nominee aware of things they will have to plan for in their upcoming terms of leadership in the district. We try to have this meeting once a month just after a regular club meeting so one day, we could all show up at your meeting.
CFS – 0
Day 41 - August 10 – Ft. Worth East
One of my first mentor’s in Rotary is a member of this club, I can’t Thank him enough for his guidance and Rotary heart. Also one of my earliest district friends, Janelle Kavenaugh, is a member of this club. Janelle was a traveling buddy on several of Jeani and myself’s Rotary trips.
Probably one of the club’s that has the most international flavor in our district. On top all the other projects they do (too many to mention), they participate in the Peace Concert to help promote Peace and World Understanding.
The one thing that I thought was great, a member that is being transferred brought in 2 perspective members from his company to replace him. What a great way to increase your membership, this will help because they have set an aggressive goal for membership this year but with their enthusiasm, they can achieve it. What about putting this in your bylaws, before someone leaves, they have to bring in 2 people. (Ha, Ha)
CFS – 0
Day 39 & 40 – Trying to get things unpacked and washed so we can pack them back up and head out on to Fort Worth on Monday.
Day 38 - August 7 – Metroport
Two breakfast clubs in a row makes me miss our own club but it’s great to see a morning club that has such diversity in gender, age and acceptance of technology. The club where John Anderson resides, a long time RYLA instructor and is also very important in the training at the Institute for Leadership.
They have several Vietnam Veterans
in their club but only two in attendance,
Milan Georgia and Marc Bartels.
Al Richardson was not pictured.
This club has a very grant set of Goals
for the year. After meeting with them and
seeing the energy, both Jeani & I believe they will definitely achieve them.
Then on to meet with Arlington South for lunch at the Springhill BBQ, Dave Davis doing his second consecutive year as president of his club, talk about Service Above Self. He has all his club members as committee board persons, what a great way to get Rotarians involved in club activities. For the size of club and amount of members they have, their recognition of students at the High School is pretty impressive on how many lives they touch.
They are looking to hook up with another Arlington Club for a Polio project and partnering with a club in Kansas City for projects in that area.
CFS – 0
Day 37 - August 6, - Golden Triangle
Another morning club in our district that holds true the stereo type of early risers, they’re happy and have a lot of fun. They are a fairly new club but you wouldn’t know it unless you were told. A very friendly and welcoming group, active and doing good in the community. Eager to get involved with whatever comes their way.
CFO -0 (eggs don’t count as chicken)
Day 36 - August 5, - Ft. Worth International
I apologize for not keeping up with this better, I’ve been just hanging on trying to keep up with work, Rotary events and family.
Had the privilege to meet with a club that’s on the cutting edge of the way clubs may meet in the future. They meet twice a month and are transitioning into being a full e-club, the first in our district. They’ve been part of the pilot program of being an innovative way for clubs to meet. They have learned from trial and experimentation on things that will and won’t work. They’ve come up with the things that make their club vibrant and effective. If you have the opportunity to “like” their Facebook page, I encourage you to visit with them when they do meet.
They meet at Texas Roadhouse, one of my favorite restaurants but no chicken fried steak, but they did give us chicken.
CFS – 0
Day 35 - Aug 4th
Had a wonderful time today Peter Scott sure is engaged with all the clubs in Arlington.
Our first meeting was with Arlington West the home of our District Membership Coordinator. Their engagement in their community is amazing. Their percentage of Veterans in their club is among the highest in our District. That just illustrates to me the are veterans are drawn to service above self in their daily lives. Thank all of you for being a member of Rotary.
Our second meeting was with Arlington Sunset. What a fun club of a small, but tight net group that does a lot for their community. It just illustrates that small clubs can be vibrant. We were entertained by some fine music and a real relaxed and fun group.
Day 34 - Aug 3rd
Two clubs and 3 meetings today met with the Arlington North Club and Board, and then Arlington South Board in the evening.
Arlington North had news that they lost there meeting space and had to scramble to come up with accommodations in a very short time. They now meet at the Land and Cattle off of I30 near the Ball Park and Six Flags. I'm becoming very redundant with my information about the clubs and what they do to be vibrant and effective in their Communities, District and Internationally. All the clubs I had visited are a vital part of their communities. This club is no different they raise funds by doing a flag program that gives them the funds to support a lot of activities.
Yea, take Chicken off the list we had very good chicken sandwiches today. Still no Chicken Fried Steak.
Meet with the Arlington South Board at the headquarters of Spring Creek Bar-B-Que and had Jason's Deli Sandwiches, just thought that was a little ironic. We will have Spring Creek Bar-B-Que this week at there Friday Meeting. Every member of there club is on the board either as a chair or Cochairman. That is what I call real engagement. They do so much for a small club, their dinner to recognize students is tremendous!
Day 33 - Aug 2nd
A day at home doing chores. Thinking about getting a Chicken Fried steak been writing about them to often starting to create a craving!
Day 32 - Aug 1st
A full day of training in Austin at MDTI (Multi District Training Institute) After the opening session we segregated into groups: PR, Treasure, Membership, and DG, DGE, and DGN Training. This is the start of the transition from 2015 -2016 to 2016 - 2017 Rotary Year. DGE Mary Ann is already planning and is prepared for the upcoming events to get her team engaged in moving our District forward. It is also our DGN's first exposure to the training he is about to get exposed to so he will be prepared to serve during the 2017 - 2018. Very engaging conversation for the Districts that attended (mainly the Texas Districts). Really enjoyed seeing some of my classmates and sharing stories of our visits, all positive. Heading home tonight so we can do laundry and then get back on the road on Sunday evening.
Still no chicken fried steak or chicken.
Day 31 - July 31st
Off to sleep in a little and then tried to help PDG Sharron. Sharron being the person she is has everything planned and organized and need little or no help from me. I hope when I grow up I can organize things the way she has the talent for!
Once everything was set DGE Mary Ann organized a dinner outing for us. This training is very beneficial for Mary Ann's team to get a good foundation to plan the events for Rotary year 2916 - 17. We were pleasantly surprised that RIVP Greg Podd along with Sean Allen, Roger Sepulveda joined us. It was very nice to hear his insights on Rotary International!
Day 30 - July 30th
On the road to meet with two Arlington Clubs. Only these clubs this week have Multi District Training Institute (MDTI) this Friday thru Sunday.
Our first meeting with Arlington Noon. They just found out there long term meeting place closed and they needed to find a new location Texas Land and Cattle. This can be a very traumatic situation for a club. but they regrouped quickly and did not miss a beat! Scott their President is a good leader and a recent graduate of our Institute for Leadership program. As with all the clubs they are reaching out and being effective in their community.
This evening we met with Arlington Great Southwest. This is the home of a very good Friend PDG Dan Morales. Although he took his vacation the week of my visit! Is he trying to tell me something????? This is another small club that does major things. The engagement and enthusiasm of their membership is something to be emulated.
Headed to Austin for MDTI! Took from 7:00 ish til 11:45 PM to get their I know why I try to stay off of I35! Nough said!
Day 29 - July 29th
At Fort Hood again for another review. We are renovating barracks for our Volunteer Army. This renovation will improve the living conditions for approximately 650 soldiers. A great day to be an American!
Day 28 - July 28th
At Lake Ray Roberts Club today. They meet at a very unique and great home cooking resturaunt Bebos amd Kathy's just south of Pilot Point. I would strongly recommend you put this on your make up list. IN addition to great food they have a very relaxed atmosphere and are doing things in the community. They are strategizing on how to reach out to the other communities in the area to join Lake Ray Roberts and be a gift to the world.
Day 27 - July 27th
Back in the office again. A side note Jeani is also serving as the President of The Women in Rotary Wichita Falls Chapter. She is conducting their meeting today at lunch. Women of Rotary existed prior to the acceptance of women in Rotary (Rotary finally got their heads out of their $%^#*&). Women of Rotary still exist today because just like the Rotary Clubs, the members created relationships and bonded and wanted to keep their independence. Anyway Jeani is doing a stellar job!
Day 25 - July 25th
Traveling to Breckenridge to have the third of four train the trainer events for membership. AG ROn Downing has acquired a meeting space and brought donuts and we had Pizza for lunch. Who says it doesn't pay to be a Rotarian! Very interesting presentation and discussion on the differences in dynamics between urban and rural clubs. Some pretty big challenges in our rural communities to have large pools of community leaders to draw from. I do not know if we solved all the issues but just being aware that they exist is a good starting point. Shout out again to Mr. Becky (ROn and Becky Downing for their hospitality. P.S. I really enjoyed having an event out of the larger communities we have in our District!
Day 24 - July 24th
Got to take off my DG hat and attend my Rotary Club this morning and just be a member of Rotary. It did not take them long to put me in my place with a snide remark or two. Love my club!
Still no Chicken or CFS!
A day off. I love Rotary but from time to time you just have to turn it off! see you on Monday!
A half day in the office, why you might ask???? Some years ago we as an office we decided that working four days at 9 hours and then only 4 hours on Friday would allow us to do things we could not do on the weekends. It has been very popular and I kinda like it also!!! Catching up on projects and realizing that our group at SLA are fantastic professionals and are tending to business and giving the level of service that our clientele deserve.
Day 23 - July 23
Started early to get packed and ready to follow the Pokorny's to the MCL Grand Theater for the LMR weekly meeting. Some unique practices at LMR include a "didja know moment" and a "vesting" of 3 of its newer members.. These members will wear these vests at service projects such as this Saturdays blood drive and the local food pantry. Their Rotary Builder was none other than past president Bob Troyer. Club members Howard O'Neal and Tom Atchison were taken totally off guard with our recognition of their service during the Korean and Vietnam Conflicts.
After LMR meeting we drove to a business meeting in Dallas. Following the business meeting we drove back to Highland Village to attend their BOD meeting followed by the HVR regular meeting in the very relaxing environment. Of course the wine and ores d'oeuvres go a long way to creating a relaxing environment for a very enjoyable meeting. Evening meetings are unique in that they are less formal than a customary morning or noon meeting. Members have the flexibility of sharing fellowship throughout the meeting without disturbing the flow of the meeting. Something unique about HVR....
Still no Chicken or CFS!
P.S. I miss our SLA Staff, I realized they are our family also, get to see them tomorrow!
Day 22 - July 22nd
Started with an 8 am Lewisville Morning Rotary (LMR) board meeting in the Community Room of a very large elementary school.
From the elementary school we traveled to another club Board Meeting for LNR in a high end restaurant in a nearby upscale community. Immediately following that board meeting, Jeani and I attended the Lewisville Noon Rotary (LNR) Wednesday Lunch meeting. LNR's Rotary Builder was long time member Penny Glover whose passion is their community service project - providing a prom for special needs high school students as Lewisville High School. Their Korean/Vietnam war vets were recognized. The participation at their Board meeting was great offering it as an opportunity to allow for make-ups. What a great way to introduce Rotary Leadership to club members!
Following the meeting, we returned to Pokorny's home and camped out on the dining table catching up on e-mails, processing paperwork for a new provisional club and discussing the issues with it's AG.
After a relaxing meal with the Pokorny's I let him talk me into doing this blog. I told him that I had never done any blogging, but was willing to try. So, here I am. SO previous to input to this point was done by my calendar and memory!
The evening ended with a rousing game of Mexican Train in which Jeani & I showed our true colors...we crushed them.
Still no Chicken or CFS!
Day 21 - July 21st
A day on Fort Hood. Reminds me of the importance of our military and the sacrafice they make by serving our country. Glad to be part of the team that is improving conditions for our troops!
Day 20 - July 20th
Another day in the office. Heading down to Fort Hood for a project review. Great to be in the office catching up on events in the office.
Day 19 - July 19th
A day off. I love Rotary but from time to time you just have to turn it off! see you on Monday!
Day 18 - July 18th
It is Saturday! but no day off. the second of 4 train the trainer seminars on membership. This one is in the Grapevine area and the surrounding ag areas. Thanks for Marci for arranging the location and the food for the event. it was another enlightening day. Take away was a statement about membership from AG Gerald Robinson. "Would you prefer perfect attendance or perfect engagement"??? Thanks to everyone that took time out of their day to attend!
Day 17 - July 17th
Attended the Abilene Club today. What an institution for Rotary. They exhibit a vast cross section of Rotary history. It is good to see that they are still vibrant and bringing in younger members that can continue the traditions of the club and be innovative in the changes that are sure to happen in the future as our younger members take the helm. With all the changes being talked about in the way Rotary may transform in the future I hope that some of our important traditions and culture do not get tossed aside.
Heading home this afternoon, Dude in tow. Look forward to our own bed. I tend to overlook the great partner I have, so from time to time I would like to remind myself that over the years we have melded into one. I appreciate everything my wife (Jeani) does for me! This allows me/us to experience aspect of life that I could only have dreamed of if I was on this journey alone.
P.S. I miss our SLA Staff, I realized they are our family also, get to see them tomorrow!
Still no Chicken or CFS!
Day 16 - July 16th
Met with Haskell Club today. The dynamics of Rotary Clubs in smaller communities is very different than our clubs in our larger communities. They have a more visible presents in their communities primarily because most people know each other and come together to do good things. I really appreciate their efforts and being a key part of their community! A plus was having lunch with our AG Ron Downing (Mr. Becky) and my DG when I was first president. A lot of my Rotary makeup is from her example! Thank you Becky!
Still no Chicken or CFS!
Day 15 - July 15th
Had 2 meetings today one a club visit and the other a meeting with the board.
New to the position she is doing a stellar job, THANK YOU Nancy! The Club as mentioned before is starting a new fundraiser that is innovative and should be very successful. Jeani and I are attending their Beer Pairing event. Please contact them soon if you would like to attend the seating is limited! Of note, they are one of the clubs that have the good fortune of having many younger members.
Relaxed this evening hosted by the Board of the Abilene Club. Afterwards our District Alumni Chair Kayla invited Jeani and I to their penthouse on the upper floors of a high rise that has been converted into condominiums. What a great way to enjoy some fine wine and watch the sunset over the plains around Abilene! Below are some pictures that Kayla posted that gives you a sense of the view.
Still no Chicken or CFS!
Day 14 - July 14th
Had two Rotary Meetings today. The first was the presentation to the Abilene Southwest Club regular meeting. they meet at the Bee Hive a great location and food!!! When we had projects in Abilene we would make it an effort to stop at the Bee Hive in Albany to have dinner when at all possible. Isn't it bad when you plan business around meal time, I should know better. I really appreciated the power point that Ross does for the club that is in essences a club bulletin. Thank you for the hospitality, and your insights to Rotary. The second was the Board Meeting with the Abilene Wednesday Rotary Club at the Abilene Country Club. We had a fantastic time I can tell you that by the time we looked down at our watches and it was already over 2 hours into the meeting and it seemed like only 15 minutes! Just saying if you want to have a great evening with this group they are having their FIRST CULINARY CRAFT BEER PAIRING" The seating is limited so get your reservations early, we have! August 29th is the date.
Missed the Foundation Membership Seminar Checkpoint Meeting. Just to many things going at one time! A shout out to the committee putting this event together. They are making sure you will get the information you need to be productive in foundation and membership activities. Thumbs up to both PDG Paul Lucas and Kay Huse for their efforts in getting it all done for Foundation and Membership. Great support team as well. THANK YOU!!!!!!
Still no Chicken or CFS!
Day 13 - July 13th
Another day in the office. Wow trying to catch up. Great staff to assist me! Need to device a method to do work on the road better or more disciplined. Have it set up right now where Jeani drives and I use my laptop to keep on top of work things. Also use the time in the hotel to catch up as much as possible.
Heading south to Abilene for the week with a side trip to Haskell. Taking Dude the dog with us.
He is very much the gentleman but some people are a little hesitant, I do not know why! Met with the Abilene Southwest Board at Ross and JoAnn Bennett's home tonight, great place, great food and great people. Common theme I'm learning is that all the clubs are very different but the core values are all the same. People with giving hearts, sharing "Peace Through Understanding" and "Being Gifts to the World". A great mix of leadership on the board from young to old seasoned/experienced etc......
Still no Chicken or CFS!
Day 12 - July 12th
Another day of rest. Need these to recharge the batteries. Really appreciate our home!
Day 11 - July 11th
To be truthful, John Pokorny (Webmaster Extraordinaire) suggested that I consider a Blog. I have never done one and this may be a total flop but I'm back filling the start of the Rotary Year 2015-16 until I get caught up to present. You may notice where John did a little ghost writing for me. He did a great job! Can you figure out the day(s) he wrote??????
This is the first of 4 Saturdays where we will have Train the Trainer workshops on Membership. Dave Hurt and Lori Williams put together a great amount of information that can be useful for clubs in their pursuit of gaining members in their Clubs. The first session was Held in Wichita Falls, Participants were Assistant Governors, Club Presidents and Membership Chairs of Clubs in the Area. Everyone was engaged in the meeting and a lot of ideas and experiences were exchanged. Providing an insight to the demographics of potential members in Rotary was very insightful. Everyone walked away from the training with a new perspective and tools to use in increasing membership! Great job Lori and Dave! Here is a picture of the crew.
Day 10 - July 10th
Today was a milestone, I visited my home club Rotary Club of Wichita Falls North. To my surprise they were quite respectful, I wonder if the world has changed axis????? Where are the snide remarks! well by the end of the meeting I felt at home as a couple of snide remarks flew my way. I love my home club!
Still no Chicken or CFS! Thank goodness since it was breakfast time.
Day 9 - July 9th
Meeting with the Downtown Rotary Club. What a institution in our City. They have a membership of close to a 100 and achieved a "100 Percent Paul Harris Club" just a couple of years ago. Boy, what if every club achieved this status! Yes, I know that numerous clubs have achieved this status but we still have more that have not!
Still no Chicken or CFS!
Day 8 - July 8th
Met out at Iowa Park today. Iowa Park was the founders of the Flag Program that has blossomed across the country and it started right here in Iowa Park. Just goes to show you that great ideas come from everywhere regardless of size or location of a Rotary Club.
Still no Chicken or CFS!
Day 7 - July 7th
Drove to Burkburnett in the rain. Great Club, this is the club my Dad joined and got involved and provided numerous get-togethers at his home. Feeling a little more relaxed in the presentation, I just want to be effective in my presentation and be as heart felt as possible so that it may encourage others to get more involved in Rotary.
Subnote: No Chicken or Chicken Fried Steak (CFS) to date at any of the meetings.
Day 6 - July 6th
Taking care of a little business today and meeting with the Southwest Rotary Club of Wichita Falls. Very fond of this club; our club works with their's on various projects and activities. Great meeting, trying to get the jitters out of my presentation with clubs that know me better, I wonder if that is good or bad?
Day 5 - July 5th
Sunday, trying to keep the day free from outside activities and focusing on commitments at home and family, more later.
Day 4 - July 4th
A very special day with Jeani, Dude (our dog) and our family. No Rotary today. A welcome relief after being up to my eye balls in months of planning while trying to keep clients and family happy. Fourth of July, reflecting on the real leaders that established our country and on how fortunate that I happen to be an American!
Day 3 - July 3rd
Day at the SLA Architects. Great guys and Gals at SLA that are picking up the ball while I pursue my love for Rotary, Thanks Guys and Gals!!!
Day 2 - July 2nd
My first club visit, really nervous, had the opportunity to meet with the Board of the Denton Club last night. What a great group and so involved in their community and in Rotary. It is also the home of our next District Governor Mary Ann McDuff, what a great leader! I want to make this light and humorous so I will try to do my best to have you giggle from time to time. Please be aware that I'm not a scribe and have a hard enough time in just speaking English. So, for those of you that will cringe when assessing my grammar, I apologize. I was worried about fitting into my allotted time and would the message resonate with Rotarians, trainers really push "Don't go over". The Denton Club made me feel right at home by introducing me by my lack of ability to sing and dance at the District Conference! Got finished on time and no rotten fruit was thrown so first club is now behind me! Only 65 more to go!!!
Day 1 July 1, 2015
Nearly 3 years of preparation has led to this very moment. As I begin this journey, it occurs to me just how awesome a task this really is. Few Rotarians have the opportunity to meet almost 3000 like minded people that are passionate about Service to their community and the world. And, yet I know the power each and every club is unique as every Rotarian is unique in his or her way. But, all share the same vision and that same "can do" attitude that has led Rotary to accept near impossible challenges such as End Polio Now. Today, I know that I will have the privilege of unwrapping 66 gifts that almost 3000 district Rotarians are preparing as their gift to the world. I look forward to meeting each and every person in our district and saying................ Thank You for your Gift to the World.
The purpose of this blog is to share with fellow District 5790 Rotarians my Journey as District Governor. The observations and experiences listed here intended to enlighten my readers on the life of a Rotary District Governor tasked with serving 66 plus clubs in a very large geographic area of Texas. Some of the clubs are in densely populated metropolitan area. Some clubs are in sparsely populated areas of our state. Each club is unique with it's own unique culture. What works well in one club might bomb in one in the community next door. By the way I did not pick the picture but I think I was having an idea due to the light behind my head glad there was no smoke!
My purpose in preparing this blog is create a Charles Angrand pointillism of our district, it's clubs and its members. Hopefully readers will get a flavor for the daily planning and attention needed to serve our district in this capacity while trying to maintain a very busy architectural firm of very dedicated partners.