The Rotary Leadership Institute congratulates all the Part II students that participated in the September 10, 2022 Part I Sessions in Justin, TX.
The Rotary District 5790 Lonestar Division of the Rotary Leadership Institute in District 5790 held its first RLI - Part II Training Session on September 10, 2022. The final Part III session is being scheduled later this year.
This "sold out" session brought 16 participants from Rotary and Rotaract clubs throughout District 5790. Students participated in some "deep dive" learning about being leaders in a Rotary world, our ethics, using our vocations and our Rotary Foundation to engage members in meaningful and creative service projects. Parts II and III later this year will focus on opportunities, strategies, attracting members, communication, team building, international projects, public image and building a stronger club. Visit our institutes webpage for a more detailed description of these course offerings.