PDG Troy Secord has provided some information for those that are considering a train ride to Atlanta for the 2017 RI Convention.
Sounds like fun if you are so inclined...check it out.
Not sure John & Judy Germ will be available to meet you track side though.
Travel to Atlanta Convention:
Now that we are closing in on the Rotary International Convention in Atlanta 10 – 14 of June 2017, I thought it would be appropriate to give you an update on the alternative train trip to get to Atlanta via Chicago.
On a positive note, I have had communications with Rotary International and we can get a VIP tour of the facility. I would suggest that the Rotary International Headquarter tour be on Thursday June 8th. This would mean that Travel on the train would have to begin on June 6th, it is a 24 hour train ride.
The bad news is that they only have limited Superliner Roomette berths, to be honest, they only have 4 on the train. Once arrived in Chicago, we would need to get transportation to the hotel and from the hotel to RI and then back to the hotel or to the airport. If we can get a head count, we can get information on doing the arrangements as a group.
From Chicago to Atlanta there is not an easy way to get there on the train so I think it would be best if each individual made there arrangements to travel to Atlanta from Chicago and then back to our District after the convention.
I was wishing this could be a more cohesive group adventure but since the decline in train travel they just do not provide for a lot of sleepers, cost for the sleepers is about $450.00. Although you can sleep in a reserved seat. The cost for those seats are approximately $250.00.
So I think trying to get a group will be challenging but I’m willing to coordinate with you in your arrangements if you would like to tour RI Headquarters. Let me know your wishes!!!
At your service,
PDG Troy Secord, AIA