The Rotary Club of Wichita Falls Southwest believes in a world where people unite and take action to create lasting change across the globe in our communities and in ourselves.
In baseball playoff terms, the RC of Wichita Falls Southwest hit the ball out of the park with the bases loaded, two outs and two strikes in the 7th game of the world series through their October 17th Fentanyl Crises panel discussion.
Shocked by recent deaths of young people in Wichita Falls due to Fentanyl overdoes, members of the Wichita Falls Southwest Rotary Club decided to do something about it by hosting a community panel discussion to create awareness and discuss how members of the community can join in the fight to halt this crises.
Are members of your club alarmed by this crises and want to take action? Click the above image and download the power point file used by our friends at the Rotary Club of Wichita Falls Southwest to get the process started in your community. If you want more details about how to get started, contact member Jack Brown. He will gladly provide the steps their club went through in a fairly short period of time. This event was covered by all the local media outlets.