Welcome to the Rotary District 5790 Website
Shelly Hill, our Major Gifts Officer at RI, sent us this appeal for support ...

"I hope you and family had a joyous holiday! I am looking at 4 1/2" of snow today.

My colleagues in California have been receiving updates from the local LA area districts. I thought I would pass on what I know and possible resources.

The most heartbreaking takeaway from all the information is that every member of the Palisades Rotary Club has lost their home! All have evacuated and are safe.

The local district has set up its own disaster response fund. This fund is outside of The Rotary Foundation. I understand the district will be applying for a TRF Disaster Fund grant. Here's is the latest update."

 ... and District 5280 Governor Albert Hernandez posted this update:

"As you’re likely aware, our region is currently facing devastating wildfires and severe winds. The Pacific Palisades community has been especially hard-hit, with reports of over 10,000 homes, businesses, and more lost. The fires continue to advance toward the borders of Malibu and Santa Monica with no signs of abating.

To the northeast, the Eaton Canyon Fire that began in Altadena is spreading east toward Monrovia and west toward Glendale. Meanwhile, the northwest side of our District is battling the Hurst Fire in Sylmar.

These events have already brought immense loss, and as District Leaders, we must act swiftly and decisively. I’ve received outreach from my governor classmates around the world offering assistance, and you may also have fielded similar inquiries or be wondering how we can respond effectively."

Please follow this link to the District 5280 Website to read a full report on the current status in this Rotary District. You will find links to their Disaster Relief Directory where you can offer any resources you can spare.


Disease Prevention and Treatment Month
The Rotary MEP Team: Rotarians and ABA Professionals visiting the Ministry of Education offices.
December is Disease Prevention and Treatment Month on the Rotary Calendar. This is one of the Foundation's Areas of Focus, and one in which many of us might be aware of the numerous projects around the world supported by clubs and the Foundation. 


This month we a featuring a remarkable project championed by our own District 5790 Denton Rotary Club. In 2023, the Rotary Club of Denton launched a global grant to create a center for children with autism in Paraiso, Costa Rica. This grant covered thirteen scholarships for Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) training, which were offered to Special Education teachers and medical professionals who work with children struggling with behavior disorders. Together with Denton Rotary Club, five clubs in the district pledged their DDF for this project, and members from these clubs traveled to Costa Rica in August this year to refurbish buildings at the Paraiso Autism Center. 


The Rotary organization received an overwhelming number of applicants for these scholarships and is now looking into using a Vocational Training Team (VTT) grant to cover the cost of training a wider group of candidates.


Click on this link to read the full story.



Wheelchair Friendly Swing Coming to Rotary Park
Video courtesy of KFDX Wichita Falls
The Rotary Club of Wichita Falls recently introduced a wheelchair-accessible slide as its latest addition to the Rotary Park in Wichita Falls, which began as a vision to bring the community together. The Wichita Falls Rotary Club is 2 ½ years into this project and hopes to have the area around the swing finished by the end of the year, which includes a perimeter fence and rubber tiles under the swing.
Rotarian John Deason, in an interview with KFDX3, explained the advantages of the swing, its use, and the benefits it brings to the local community. The interview is shown in the video (left).
The project was financed partially through donations and partially through the District's Matching Grants fund. If you would like to contribute to this project, please contact the Wichita Falls Rotary Club.
Click here to see a full report on the interview.
Rotary Foundation Aid to Ukraine
In an initiative headed up by the Flower Mound Rotary Club with support from several other Rotary Clubs in District 5790 and District 6440, using both District Designated Funds (DDF) from our district, funds from the Rotary International World Fund, we were able to approve an $85,000 grant to fund several mobile medical units in Ukraine.

In a further initiative supporting the Rotary Club of Dnipro Novyi, we were able to provide essential school supplies to a number of schools.  
The Rotary Club made this poignant video reflecting on the impact that these donations make.

2025 Lone Star Pets 

Rotary Magazine Turkey - Interview with Jim Quick
The Rotary Magazine of Turkey interviewed Jim Quick, the District 5790 Peace Fellowship Chair, and published an article in the September edition of their magazine.  Click on the link below to read the full article (this is a bilingual article in English and Turkish.)
"Gandhi, King, and Mandela were not victims; they were protestors of unjust systems... and they changed the world. They didn't whimper and whine; they stood firm and accepted the consequences that were administered. 
We heal when we take personal responsibility for our actions and behaviors as those three did."
Upcoming District Events
Jan 13, 2025 - Feb 14, 2025 Central Standard Time (UTC-06:00)
Jan 30, 2025 - Feb 13, 2025 Central Standard Time (UTC-06:00)
Feb 13, 2025 Feb 17, 2025
Stories from our Vibrant Clubs
PDG Pat Peters Presents Cross Timbers Rotary with the prestigious Governors Cup for being the leading Vibrant Club in the district over the past Rotary Year.  Pat journeyed from a prior RYLA engagement to participate in the Cross Timbers Rotary Annual Awards Luncheon to present the cup.  The luncheon attracted most of the 137 Cross Timbers members plus guests from the District Leadership along with over 30 recipients from the Cross Timbers grants program.
The awards was accepted by Club President Will Carlton and outgoing Club President Nicole Smith-Woodward.
The recent Rotary Leadership Institute Parts 1 & 2 seminars held on Saturday October 7 were an overwhelming success. The participants had much praise for the event organization and the quality of both the materials and the speakers.
Members of the RLI Part 1 course receiving their certificates at the end of the afternoon. The seminar was an interactive event with a focus on Rotary, Ethics and Vocational Service, the Rotary Foundation, Engaging Members, and Creating Service Projects.
Members of the RLI Part 2 course also received their certificates at the end of the afternoon. Their seminar was also an interactive event with a focus on Attracting Members, Effective Leadership Strategies, Rotary Opportunities, Club Communication, Rotary Foundation, and Team Building.

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The Magic of Rotary - District 3350
This inspirational video was prepared and directed by Patsri Suwimbol, DG for District 3350, and Thanongsak Wiboonma, Rotary Song Committee chair.


The Butterfly Effect
During his training for the upcoming Rotary year, Andy Eads (Governor Elect) showed this video during the lunch break. We thought this might be an inspirational video for those of us who often ponder what effect we're having on the world around us.  Credit for this video goes to Andy Andrews.
News Stories from Rotary International
Rotary’s response to the U.S.’s plan to withdraw from the WHO, USAID funding freeze

Rotary’s response to the U.S.’s plan to withdraw from the WHO, USAID funding

Korea-Japan friendship conference sparks dialogue

Rotary leaders from both countries reflect on the challenges and opportunities of peacebuilding across borders

A pioneer in Black horror fiction resurrects her uncle's history

Former Rotary Ambassadorial Scholar Tananarive Due, a pioneer in Black horror fiction, resurrects history of her forgotten uncle

The election observers

An election monitoring mission in Nigeria presents a pathway for peacebuilding

Rotary International Statement 

It is a tragic and sad time for the people of Ukraine and the world.
At Rotary, we are deeply concerned by the deteriorating situation in Ukraine and the escalating loss of life and humanitarian hardship there.  Continued military action against Ukraine will not only devastate the region, but also risk spreading tragic consequences across Europe and the world.
As one of the world’s largest humanitarian organizations, we have made peace the cornerstone of our global mission.  We join the international community in calling for an immediate cease fire, withdrawal of Russian forces, and a restoration of diplomatic efforts to resolve this conflict through dialogue. 
In the past decade, Rotary clubs in Ukraine, Russia and nearby countries have transcended national differences and have actively engaged in peace-building projects to promote goodwill and to marshal assistance for the victims of war and violence. Today, our thoughts are with our fellow Rotary members and others in Ukraine coping with these tragic events. Rotary International will do everything in its power to bring aid, support and peace to the region. 
At Rotary we celebrate and promote diversity.
Rotary Peace Fellowship Announcement
We are now accepting applications for 2025 Rotary Peace Fellowships! 
We hope you will join us in promoting the peace fellowship opportunity within your communities and enlisting the help of club members across your district to find qualified candidates. The application will be open until 15 May 2024, and interested candidates can apply through our application webpage.
Link to Rotary Club Central
Click here to visit your clubs Rotary Club Central dashboard, goal center and service activities. You will be asked to log into your MyRotary Account
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Rotary is a global humanitarian organization with more than 1.2 million members in 34,000 Rotary clubs in over 200 countries and geographical areas. Rotary members are men and women who are business, professional and community leaders with a shared commitment to make the world a better place through humanitarian service, both in their own community and around the world.  A top priority of Rotary is the global eradication of polio. 


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